Specializing in luxury goods, particularly watches

At Gima Luxury, our mission is to conquer the luxury market. Our watches are designed for men wo appreciate quality and enjoy indulging in luxury.

I am Gijs, and CEO of GIMA
I am Maurice, and CTO of GIMA
"We connected with a master watchmaker who revealed the secrets of the craft."

At GIMA, our mission is to conquer the luxury market. Our watches are designed for men who appreciate quality and enjoy indulging in status and luxury.


We place great value on our core principles and company culture. As a watch brand, we reflect our commitment to quality in everything we do. We offer personalized experiences that foster strong connections with our customers.


Our future vision is ambitious. Within 3 years, we strive to become one of the leading players in the luxury industry, and perhaps even attain a special and unique place. This goal will be achieved by working close together with the best retailers in the industy, and by bonding with our customers, so that they can help building and be part of our vision.


In 2022, our story began in a cozy bar called the Kailabar. After Maurice’s accident, we were searching for something extra, and the idea of watches, which had been sitting in a drawer for three years, became a reality. With some adjustmentss, GIMA was born, specializing in luxury goods, particularly watches. Without any idea where to start, we simply took the plunge. Despite facing numerous challenges and learning moments, we have experienced tremendous growth in a short span of time.


Our growth and milestones are a result of perseverance and valuable connections. We connected with a master watchmaker who revealed the secrets of the craft. Through our network, we made further progress and found a supplier that met our high-quality standards and could bring our unique concept to life. Our next milestone will be the retail of our watch worldwide.


Our team possesses diverse expertise. Gijs Faasse, with 8 years of entrepreneurial experience, excels in networking, psychology, branding, and storytelling. Maurice has a keen technical eye and extensive knowledge of watchmaking. Our brand stands out through its unique concept, story and vision and our top-quality timepieces.
